Heather Arundel

The Diva of Darkness

Salton Sea Sunset Photo by Ron Niebrugge

Salton Sea Sunset Photo by Ron Niebrugge
The Beauty of Hell...

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - also known as my personal life motto!

All Human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Who I am...

I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a survivor.
My family has made me who I am...my past family with past hurts...my current family with current joy.
Family is something you are born into and cannot choose,
family is also what you choose it to be once you are old enough to start anew...


Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'm falling behind and I'm beating myself up about it!

Well, I'm at 30,000 words; but I didn't write yesterday.  Another killer migraine struck and so I decided to take the day off...now I feel guilty.  Why do I put such hard requirements upon myself?  I've always been this way - I strive for perfect and never reach it (I do acknowledge where my daughter gets it from!).  Realistically, I know that I am human and can never be "perfect" and yet; well, here I am.

I've become consumed with NaNoWriMo and struggle to complete this task I've set out for myself, to the detriment of other things...like reading all of my favorite blogs.  I've got about 20 that I LOVE LOVE LOVE! Yet, I haven't visited this month because I'm so focused on getting this novel done.

So, to all of you wonderful bloggers (you know who you are!), have no fear; I'll be visiting your sites and catching up on November's posts - just not until December!

Until then, keep posting and definitely keep writing!  I miss you! :)

BTW: I'm thinking of hosting my own little contest for the holidays!  It is still in my brain's planning phase, but I hope to have it all worked out by December 5th.


  1. Heather, Heather, Heather...


    That's only 2308 words a day for the rest of the month. Doable.

    And if you're looking for prizes for your contest, you know where to find me.

  2. It's 1538 words a day, less than the daily average. Girl, you're ahead.

  3. It's okay if you are not perfect. "Being Human" is what we all strive to be when not watching the television show of the same name.

    Off the record...I love my Aiden. He's so hot.

  4. It's the 17th and you are worried that you don't have your 40 thousand words yet? lol...Like your friend Sarah said, "Girl, you're ahead"! That means you roughly have only 20 thou more and you still have 12 days to do it in. I'm pretty certain that is not going to be a problem for you. I have a question: I am getting the sense from reading the "snippets" you are posting here that these pieces of writing are going to be woven into one complete work...rather like Diana Gabaldon does--she writes scenes and then fits them together with exposition. Am I correct in that? And by the way, I know everyone deals with their own private, personal insecurity. However, the one thing you should NEVER be insecure about is your writing. No one will ever say to you, "What were you thinking? You are not a writer!" You are a born story-teller. Thank you for finally doing something with that, as I feel quite sure the rest of the world is going to benefit.

  5. Girl, you are golden. Don't even try to stress!

    My NaNo progress has been a little rocky, and I'm finding that I need to lose myself in the story and the process once more, and not worry so much about the mechanics, or the character arcs, or any of the technical things. Those will iron themselves out (or will get fixed in the editing process, which is bound to be long and painful), and all will be write in the world. But to me, NaNo is about creating, and about having fun. :)

    And I feel your pain about juggling visiting blogs and writing. Today's the first chance I've had in ages to look at my Google reader (totally bursting at the seams now), so I apologize for being MIA. Glad I had a chance to stop by, though!

  6. I participated in NaNo last year and it was really difficult to cut back on things so I'd finish. Just do what you can!

  7. Heather, 30K is HUGE! Pat yourself on the back for that. So what if you don't finish this month? There's always next month. Enjoy the ride, I say! :)
