Heather Arundel

The Diva of Darkness

Salton Sea Sunset Photo by Ron Niebrugge

Salton Sea Sunset Photo by Ron Niebrugge
The Beauty of Hell...

Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights - also known as my personal life motto!

All Human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Who I am...

I am a wife. I am a mother. I am a survivor.
My family has made me who I am...my past family with past hurts...my current family with current joy.
Family is something you are born into and cannot choose,
family is also what you choose it to be once you are old enough to start anew...


Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The Thanksgiving Post

This will be my only post this week.  I hope everyone has a beautiful holiday, whether that happens with family or friends; or both!

This Thanksgiving holiday I am especially thankful for a lack of psycho people in my life.  It seems this is the first time in my 37 years that I do not have at least one crazy person raining on my parade.  Of course, my brother still exists - but I never see or hear from him, I really do not know what is going on with him at all.  I have no fear of him showing up on my doorstep, since we will be going to my mom-in-laws this year.

In addition, I am thankful for my sis-in-law (check out her blog here) who has been a wonderful encouragement to me and my writing process.  I would not be blogging or participating in NaNoWriMo if it wasn't for her.

I'm truly thankful for some amazing bloggers that I've met and loved "getting to know" through their witty, wise, and honest posts:

Sarah Pearson
Michael Offutt
Alex J. Cavanaugh
Christine Rains
Julie Fedderson
Crystal Cheverie
Angela Brown
Liz Fichera

None of these bloggers will benefit from me naming them here, since I am a little blogger compared to them; but I wanted to take this special time to let them know that they are truly appreciated by me.

Last, but not least, I want to finish this post off with a dedication to the most amazing man I've ever known.  He has loved me and supported me, gone above and beyond the call of duty to fulfill his vows to me; and loved me better than I ever thought I deserved.  I love you, C, you will always be my everything and I consider myself so lucky to have you in my corner - encouraging me and fighting for me when I need you. 

Happy Thanksgiving, one and all.


  1. What a lovely post, and I appreciate the mention. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving, but I hope yours is peaceful and fun :-)

  2. Thank you, Heather! And never think you don't matter as a blogger or that any of us are above you - or anyone! I appreciate every one of my followers and blogging buddies. You guys rock!!
    Have an awesome Thanksgiving.

  3. Aww thank you so much Heather. I can't wait for when you are back. I came here today to see if there was a Monday post but I shall check back later :) /hugs.
